Pure & Basic: Soap Bar Hny Shea Butter (6.400 Oz)

by Pure & Basic
PURE & BASIC: SOAP BAR HNY SHEA BUTTER (6.400 OZ) Pure & Basic - Green Tea Bar Soap Honey Shea Butter - 6.4 oz. (180 g) Pure & Basic does not recommend that you eat their mouthwatering bar soap, Pure & Basic Green Tea Bar Soap Honey Shea Butter! Even though Pure & Basic Green Tea Bar Soap Honey Shea Butter is highly packed with skin nourishing and moisturizing emollients such as shea butter, sweet almond oil and honey that will drench your skin in moisture, while effectively cleansing it. Dry skin people take note, Pure & Basic Green Tea Bar Soap Honey Shea Butter may change the way you feel about your skin after using this bar soap! Pure & Basic Bar SoapIt was only recently discovered that green tea has deodorant properties that are surprisingly effective! In formulating their exclusive soaps, they have used Green Tea extracts that provides natural deodorant protection. For the first time, health-conscious consumers can buy a gentle deodorant soap that really works!
