Amy's: Light & Lean Meatless Swedish Meatballs, 8 Oz

by Amys
Amy's dad, Andy, has happy memories of Swedish Meatballs, a special meal his mother made "for company" when he was growing up in Chicago. Wanting to share his experience with Amy's customers, he asked Steve, our chef in France, to develop a meatless version of this wonderful dish. What Steve came up with tasted even better than the meatballs of Andy's childhood. Made from nutritious organic quinoa, lentils, tofu and flax seeds, these meatless meatballs resting on a bed of tender fettuccine noodles are covered by a creamy sauce. And what a sauce it is...smooth, mellow and delicately flavored with mushrooms and traditional Swedish meatball spices. Who would ever believe that this delicious, rich-tasting comfort food could be so low in calories? Eat and enjoy.

